Emergency Zone

  • September 1, 2019 Emergency Zone

    What I Learned About The In-Between Things

    Are there disaster situations where you would want to save non-essential material possessions? Probably so.

    Working for Emergency Zone, I spend plenty of my waking hours thinking about how to prepare for emergencies and what to do if one strikes. When a natural disaster came to my own doorstep, I found out that no amount of preparation and studying the subject could simulate the sense of reality...
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  • May 21, 2019 Emergency Zone

    Do You Have The Complete Emergency Preparedness Supply List?

    Are you overwhelmed by everything you need to do to prepare for a natural or man-made disaster? Everyone is at first! That's why we're sharing a simple to use checklist of everything you will need when #SHTF. We followed the recommended supply list from FEMA and turned it into a free, easy to follow checklist. The list covers the essentials and suggested items to have at home, at work, and at...
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  • June 22, 2018 Emergency Zone

    How to Prepare Your Pet for Emergencies

    It's 3:00am and an evacuation alarm sounds. Everyone is groggy, but you know you need to get your family to safety. You run to the closet and grab your family's emergency kit; luckily, you were prepared. 

    A whimper from the living room reminds you of the one family member you forgot; your precious dog. It's only now you realize though your human family is prepared, you furry little loved one is...
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  • April 27, 2018 Emergency Zone

    Are You Prepared for Tornado Season?

    Are You Prepared for Tornado Season?

    What Should I Know?


    A tornado can strike at any time of the year, but they are most popular March-May in the southern states, and summer months for the northern states. 


    They are more likely to strike between 3:00pm-9:00pm, but can occur during any hour of the day. 


    Image result for enhanced fujita scale

    Tornadoes are categorized by the Enhanced Fujita Scale. The higher the number, the more damage is will probably occur. 


    It is vital to...
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  • January 1, 2016 Emergency Zone

    6 Things Your Bug-out Bag Didn't Come With

    6 Things your bug-out bag didn't come with
             If you had to bug-out of your home right now and survive for three days with nothing but your pre-assembled bug-out bagyou bought online, could you do it? Your answer may depend on WHY you are bugging-out and the location you are headed (WHERE). It might change based on WHO's going with you and WHEN (time of day & season) too. Whatever the circumstance, if your answer leans towards "No,"...
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