Money Tips That Keep You in the Green & Your Preps on the Flow
By Jeanette Vale
What is the next major purchase on your preparedness list?

Is it a fresh water well? An EZ Stealth Bug-out-bag, or water tanks? Do you have enough money? Or, do you have ‘leaky wallet syndrome’ (LWS)?
If you’re a mom or dad, you might have LWS, especially when the kids ask for money. The kids are also being hit with inflation (all while not being very financially disciplined, no offense, this is common). There is not much you can do about it. If they make a bad decision and they need your money to get upright, you should pony-up the dough.
How many of you felt a big ‘no’ rise up? Something just felt wrong when I typed that.
Money does make the world go round. If you are short on money, your preparedness slows down. This impacts the family if we have more instability ahead of us.
If you’re like me, you want your money used to build systems of nature that residually drop water, food, and more money into your lap. That is the kind of wealth we need today. Wealth-systems from the homestead. Apples, eggs, meat, dairy, jams, potatoes, electrical power…a residual wealth of food and resources that you have set up.
To suddenly be asked to bailout a sweet child for a bad decision, knowing the money isn’t really going to be paid back, makes me pause. And it is good to pause. This is the antidote for Leaky Wallet Syndrome. Let’s take a look at how this recently played out for me (and strangely, I covered this in the blog right before this one, now it's come true).

My college age daughter called in tears last Thursday. She was being evicted from her private room in a brand new dorm–some very sweet digs! Apparently, she hadn’t paid $2,650 in rent. This might be the equivalent of four or five months.
My first thought was: How did that happen? That is a lot of money to be behind on.
My second thought was: Natural consequences are THE BEST TEACHER! Don’t screw this up mama. The real teacher just showed up!
I remained calm and repeated back to her what I heard her saying. Her request was for me to co-sign on a loan so she could get current on her rent. By the way, I did this in a non-syrupy, non-condescending tone. I spoke with empathy.
Then I gave a long, “hmmmmmmm…..” . I took time hem-hawing because I needed to feel what my insides were telling me. I paused.
But truly, within four seconds, I was sure that I wasn't going to be co-signing a loan. It didn’t sit right with me based on past experience with her and money.
She promised she’d pay the loan and that it wouldn’t impact me. Despite this, I told her my decision.
In my mind I said, “honey-child, you just proved that you don’t pay bills. And now I am going to relieve this pressure off of you….and…..you will suddenly become a bill-payer?"
What I said out loud was, “You are a smart girl, what are some other options? Let's put our heads together".
Another good thing to say in response is, “let me think about this. Can you give me twenty-four hours?”
Guess what happens in their mind, when you say this? They suddenly realize there is a chance you are not giving them any money and their brains actually start to find other solutions (which might be to rob a bank, but at least they are thinking!). Which is healthy for them. They must learn to problem solve and not beg for the consequence to vanish.
I also asked my daughter the following:
How did this bomb go off? What lead up to this? We need details. I encouraged her to talk with her financial advisor at school to see what ramifications would happen if she did A, B, or C. One of these options was that she drop out of school until she gets the basic human need for shelter solved.
I said, “right now your feet are up in the air, and we need to get them back underneath you.
You are homeless in three days. I want you to gather information so we can flesh out a sensible plan going forward”. We ended the call.
We would reconvene later that night. We had to think fast. She did not reconnect with me. She found another solution.
This is a matter of doing things in wisdom and order. I think finance wisdom– taught by the School of Hard Knocks is as important as college.
Some get their degrees but still can’t manage money and are drowning in debt even with the ‘high paying career’.
Well, her dad ponied up the money and paid the bill. I wish the strain remained on her shoulders while we worked together to find a solution.
She wasn’t ready to be scrappy and fine-comb for solutions. That’s okay. At her age, I wasn’t either. But it handicapped me for decades. I was trying to break the cycle. Now I may get the silent treatment for a few weeks.

Guess what I have! $2,650 in my savings that is STILL THERE! I have my dignity. My daughter feels a boundary line - which actually makes her feel safe, but she won’t admit this for another ten years.
I did encourage her to keep asking me for help, because sometimes it might feel right and make sense to lend a hand. We do need to be there for our kids.
I have money to put my next preparation in place, which is a small greenhouse (which could also benefit her if her future meals come out of it).
The objective is to protect our families with the self-reliance-systems we build. Inflation is making it so, if we are not careful, we will be out on the street, along with our college kids. Doing things in wisdom and order is one of the best tricks of the preppers trade!
It’s okay to say to our kids, “I actually can’t help out in this way, what are some other ideas? Let’s brainstorm together”. Our children will balk at first, but if they find their ability to solve hard problems, they can feel true power and self contentment.
Come visit us sometime. We sell bags, boxes, and tanks! Everything you need to be ready for the storms of life. www.EmergencyZone.com

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