If Black Friday Is Deadly, Imagine a Disaster

By Madison F.
Picture this: You are getting ready to do your Black Friday shopping at your local Walmart with a plan all mapped out for getting the best deals. You arrive early and get a great parking spot. It must be your lucky day; little do you know a man is about to fly into a deadly rage and open fire over that parking space. On November 25th, 2016 this actually happened at a Walmart in Reno, Nevada, where a Black Friday shopper was shot and killed over a parking space.
Now imagine that either a wildfire, blizzard, hurricane, or earthquake tore through your town. Your family is starving and on the brink of hypothermia as there is no power. Since 2006, 12 people have died and 117 people have been injured on Black Friday; if people are ready to kill each other for a sale what will they be capable of when the lives of their families and children are at stake?
3 Tips on How to Better Prepare Yourself for the Chaos
Have your emergency kit in an unmarked bag:
Have a plan ahead of time:

A disaster can happen any day at any time. If you work an 8 hour job, then 1/3 of your time is spent at your work. If your child attends school, then they are there between 6-7 hours a day. If they are in extracurricular activities then they are there even longer. Statistically, there is about a 33% chance you won’t be with your family when a disaster strikes.
Planning ahead can help you know what to do when an emergency occurs. Schools and workplaces should have an emergency plan already laid out, being aware of what that plan is ahead of time can help you better structure your own. Knowing what your child's school will do can help you know when and where you can pick them up and head to an emergency shelter, or if possible a remote bug-out location.
Have extra food and medication stored:
If anyone in your family is on medication, having extra medication on hand can help when pharmacies run out, and supply trucks can't get to you. The CDC recommends to have at least 7-10 days of medication and medical supplies.
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