Ready Made Emergency Kits - A Great Option for the Busy!
Readymade bug-out-bags sometimes get a bad rap. But the truth is, most of us are not preppers, and yet, we need to be prepared! We have so much on our plates. The last thing we have time for is gathering items to survive a major disaster.
That is where Emergency Zone comes in. We know how to do this. If you are too busy to think about this stuff - we’ve got you covered!
Do you have a hurricane blowing in? We have a kit for that!
Two Person Hurricane Kit
Four Person Hurricane Kit
A Hurricane Kit allows you to function if the toilets don't flush, the lights go out, you can't drink the water, and you need to hear the latest weather report. You can do all of this while playing with a deck of cards and nibbling on a high calorie cookie bar.
Were you given the heads up for a rolling blackout over the next few weeks?
Do you think you should have a tote of freeze-dried meals?
Emergency Zone has great options for you!
Have you ever seen cars stuck overnight on a freeway in a blizzard? People were desperate for warmth.
I tested this orange sleeping bag in the winter! Here are my findings!
What I was wearing during the test: Shorts. T-shirt (long sleeved) with bare wet feet. Click here for the longer blog article with detailed test results of this sleeping bag.
Temperature during test: 16 degrees with ice on the windshield and snow on the ground.
Conclusion: This bivvy (SKU 1203) did awesome in keeping me comfortable!
What helped:
Sitting in a car seat. Excellent warmth reflected into me and the bag where I made contact with the car seat, while being inside of the bag. Car seats and this bivvy do great together!
Pinching the bag shut ABOVE my head: If you are claustrophobic this will not appeal to you. But if the temperatures are dangerous, pinching the bag shut above you keeps all your warmth in the bag.
The bag itself will ‘hold the mold’ you pinch it into, leaving it easy to push open when you need to. I would not recommend tying it shut in any way, while you or anyone else is in it. That's just a body bag! And that is creepy.
When this bag did not keep me warm: Sorry, not going to lie. If you are lying directly on a cold ground - it is brutal. Get away from the ground and your chances of survival increase.
Mors Kochanski. This man was an amazing wilderness survivalist. He is gone now, but left a wealth of knowledge. I include this image because he knows how to stay warm in the winter. Especially note how he used small saplings to build a bed to keep OFF THE FREEZING GROUND.
What is so great about this contraption he built? Study this man and bed. His wisdom in the bush will save you if you evacuate with only a saw.
Back to me testing this orange bivvy in the winter. What are the concerns?
There is condensation inside the bag with me! Yes, your breath immediately puts a sheen of water inside with you. After an hour this water still did not bother me, nor did it seem to make me colder. However, my test did not run long enough to see how this would impact me long term.
I started the test with wet bare feet! And guess what! My feet dried as I was in the bag. My feet and arms did feel a slight chill, but very slight. I was mostly comfortable all over - especially where I made contact with the cushions of the car seat. Remember: I was in shorts and a t-shirt!
Is there room inside the bag? I had my cell phone inside the bag with me, it was like a mini-movie theatre. I am a medium build woman, 5’4”. There was plenty of room in this cocoon of warm air.
Opening the bag was shocking because outside of the bag was freezing (16 degrees).
I did not record the temperature in the bag, but the difference was huge.
I love this product! I endorse this product! Everyone should have these in their cars if you are in a snow country.
SKU 1203 Heat Store Reflective Sleeping Bag
I wonder if greater comfort happened because my skin was able to radiate warmth into the bag so quickly. Does being in big bulky winter clothes hinder this effect?
“What am I going to buy my aging parents for their anniversary?!”

Take care of your loved ones and give them a great gift! You can’t go wrong with any of our kits! We can ship these directly to them.
Some of us live far from our parents. They are getting up there in years where their memories aren't as sharp. We worry for them being able to navigate the house during a power outage.
Will they be taken care of during a hurricane, earthquake, or flood? It's nice to send them a bright red backpack full of items that will help them when stress greatly reduces normal cognitive function.
Power Outage Emergency Kit Premium

Our children’s 72-hour emergency kits come in different colors as do the water bottles inside. Colors affect us emotionally; they comfort us as well.
Children need reassurance during an emergency. Where they might not be able to express themselves easily in the moment, you can listen and watch for clues. Even a small bear can help them as they "play talk" the scenario they've just lived through.
Their minds need to process the chaos around them. Having a way to draw also gives them an outlet. Pay attention to their art. We include crayons, and booklets. You can address their perceptions of the situation and help them come to terms with what they are feeling.
How are they acting weeks after a stressful event? What is that child's love language? If they love hugs, talks, or having their hair brushed, do these things, and keep processing with them, as they are open to it. As an adult, you have experienced trauma as well and this can help you too!
Even teens who seem prickly and distant need to be reassured and the feeling of safety strengthened.
It's okay to feel scared because what you experienced was scary! Give yourselves permission to own that, then give yourself permission to heal from it and value and expect a healthy future going forward.
Keep-Me-Safe Childrens 72-Hour Emergency Kit
Do ready-made-Emergency-Kits have a place? Yes, they do! Step on, Prep on and Shop EZ! WWW.Emergencyzone.com
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