Supply Chain Woes: Build A Survival Food Supply Using Your Grocery Store

Supply Chain Woes: Build A Survival Food Supply Using Your Grocery Store

Been to the gas pump lately?

You’ve likely balked at the price of gas, and the hit your account takes, as you fill your car before work.

Perhaps you’ve noticed a lack of goods at small businesses or even empty shelves at the grocery store.

Yet, we’re told that All Is Well

...except that you might want to buy Christmas early this year…

Because ships can’t unload at ports…


There’s just not enough truckers to haul the goods when they've finally offloaded the ships…

Don’t worry --- all IS well. 


Food shortages in the US could be a problem through 2022…(potentially beyond).

Oh, and don’t worry about inflation. Sometimes we’re told it’s good for us, or that it will be a temporary thing --- as in forever.

Nah, not so awesome.

Most of are just trying to get by, budgeting from one paycheck to the next.

Yeah, it all seems bleak, and in a lot of ways life is far from pleasant, and it could get worse.

But you still have control over how you face life and how you prepare for it.

If you haven’t already, you should start building up food storage. Some people might try to shame you and call it “hoarding,” but you rather look at it as strategic planning, or meal prepping for the long haul. You have to feed your family after all.

If money is tight, and you can’t afford to buy a year's supply of food storage, you can build a long-lasting food supply on a budget by shopping at your local grocery store. However, you’ll want to start on it soon, because you can’t plan on stores remaining stocked indefinitely.

What To Look For...

Maybe you have heard the advice to shop the outer aisles of the store for fresh, healthier food options.

However, in the case of gathering food storage, target the inner aisles for the best foods that store well.

A few points to consider when choosing foods for long-term storage:

  • Shelf Life: Look for food that can last up to a year or longer. You won’t be able to match the 20 year storage that other options offer. Also, look at the expiration date of the item, you don’t want something that has already been sitting for half its shelf life.
  • Easy Storage: You need to put your food somewhere, right? Try to get food that doesn’t require too much space and easily stores on a shelf or even a bucket.
  • Easy Cooking: You’re not trying to impress Gordon Ramsey, you just want to survive. Pick the stuff that is easy to cook and is minimal with cookware use.
  • Calorie Dense: Items like peanut butter, canned meats such as Spam, tuna and sardines will pack a calorie punch to keep you going. Just assume that you’ll be expending more calories in an emergency than you normally do.
  • Variety: It’s okay to include some junk food, for emotional and mental reasons, but don’t plan on living off of such food. Hard candy lasts a long time and is a nice treat.

Long-Lasting Foods

Below are categories of food that are great for storage. With the issues currently happening, it’s possible that food supplies could diminish in the next year or so. Wisdom would say now is the time to gather supplies, while you can and while supplies remain.

  • Canned foods: Canned meats and fish are awesome sources of protein and calories. Add canned soups, veggies and fruits to your list. They’ll give your meals variety and add taste. Pick up cans or bottles of pasta sauces, tomatoes, beans and other legumes.
  • Dry goods: This is your rice, oats, dried beans and pastas. 
  • Protein and fruit bars: They don’t have an extremely long shelf life, but are great for a quick snack, especially for children.
  • Dry cereal and granola: Store some of your favorite cereal. On the other hand, granola is a healthier, nutritious option.
  • Peanut butter and crackers: Got to have peanut butter, which is quite calorie dense, and can give you a boost of energy. 
  • Cooking oils: Grab some olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and whatever you care for.
  • Bottled Drinks: Water is essential; however, a variety of flavored drinks will stave off the fatigue of drinking water all of time.
  • Baking: Your sugar, flour, salt, baking soda and powder and such.

How to Build Storage from Shopping

Now you have an idea for the kinds of food you should buy from the store. So, do you just go out and buy all you can with your paycheck? Probably not wise.

Here’s one method you can try.

Each time you shop, grab one or two extra cans of food, like baked beans or spam. Develop the habit of adding a few extra items whenever you're shopping for your regular menu or needs.

Yeah, it takes time, but if you do it every time you shop, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how your food storage increases. 

Another option is to set aside fifty to a hundred dollars each paycheck. The money you set aside, use it specifically for food storage shopping, meaning that everything you buy will be set apart solely for food storage.

In The End

Everyone hopes some semblance of normalcy returns. However, there’s a palpable feeling in the air that life is different now. 

The cracks in the system are manifesting. Prudence dictates the necessity of storing food. While time and supplies remain, purchase extra food and it set aside every single time you're at the grocery store.

In sum, this post isn’t meant to scare people or use fear-mongering, but rather it’s meant to acknowledge a reality, and hopefully offer a bit of wisdom. 

If you have favorite grocery store items you like to put in food storage, please share them in our comment section. As we build a community centered around preparation, we will all benefit and help each other.

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